National Seminar Citizens’ Access to the Media

The Eighth Constitutional Government, through the Department of Media Research and Analysis (DPAM) of the National Information Dissemination Directorate (DNDI) within the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPCOMS), held a national seminar on November 10, 2022, to present the results of a research study on the theme “Citizens’ Access to Media”.

The research on public access to media was carried out as part of the annual action plan of the DNDI for the years 2021 and 2022, integrated into the program Ensuring Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, and the subprogram Information Dissemination about Government Action, as well as the development program and the activity Public Index Research on Access to Media.

This research was conducted between May 2021 and August 2022. The data collection process lasted for a year and was conducted in 13 municipalities, including RAEOA, in 27 administrative posts and 101 villages. The aim of this research is to understand the public’s use of media and their access to information about the program of the Eighth Government.

This research also aims to create a national database on public access to information in the media, proposing suitable and innovative policies for the identified needs. Furthermore, the goal of this research is to reach the entire population of the territory aged over 15 years. During the research, DPAM coordinated with local authorities, including the presidents of municipal authorities, administrative post administrators, and village chiefs. Enumerators also received support from managers of community radios, including the manager of Radio Iliwai in Manatuto, the manager of Radio Povo in Viqueque, and the manager of Radio Comunidade de Mauloko-Maubisse.

This seminar took place at the Delta Nova Hall in Comoro, Dili. Approximately 300 guests participated, including government members, members of the National Parliament, local authorities, non-governmental organizations, media institutions, national and international agencies, and representatives of university students.
