Prime Minister welcomed the families of the five Korean soldiers who died in Oé-cusse in 2003

Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, welcomed, on Monday, August 8th, 2022, the relatives of the five soldiers from the Republic of Korea, who were part of the UN Peacekeeping Mission and who died in an accident on the Noel Ekab river in Oesilo, Oé-cusse, on October 23rd, 2003.

Major Bayunjo Min, Sergeant Jonghoon Baek, Major Jinkyu Park, Sergeant Jeongjoong Kim, and Sergeant Hee Choi, belonged to the South Korean ROKBATT VII battalion and died following strong river currents while crossing the Noel Ekab River in the Bobometo area.

During the meeting with the relatives, the Head of Government emphasized that “the five Korean soldiers are also heroes of Timor-Leste because they participated in an important mission for Timor-Leste, so they are part of Timor-Leste’s history, and their dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten by the whole nation”.

“On my behalf and behalf of the Government and State of Timor-Leste, I embrace each of the families, and I thank you and Korea very much for sending your children, who have sacrificed, and contributed to the building of our nation”, said the Prime Minister.  Prime Minister welcomed the families of the five Korean soldiers who died in Oé cusse in 2003

Prime Minister also added that “this land is also yours and you are also our family”.

Taur Matan Ruak also expressed his gratitude to the Korean Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Kim Jeong Ho, and the former Commander of the Korean battalion at the time of the accident, Kim Yeong Deok.

Ambassador Kim Jeong Ho also acknowledged the Prime Minister for his willingness to receive the families and for his precious words to them.

 Prime Minister welcomed the families of the five Korean soldiers who died in Oé cusse in 2003A ceremony of homage and unveiling of a monument, in Oébau, Oé-Cusse, took place on August  5th, organised by the President of the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Ambeno Authority (RAEOA), Arsénio Bano, in the presence of the families of the victims, the South Korean Ambassador and the former Commander of the Battalion.

This morning, the President of the Republic, José Ramos-Horta, awarded the five South Korean military officers, posthumously, the Medal of Merit, in a ceremony attended by the Prime Minister and members of the Government. The Medal of Merit is intended to honour and thank national and international civilians and military personnel that have made a significant contribution to peace and national stability.
