Debate with the Prime Minister in the National Parliament

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, accompanied by the members of the 8th Constitutional Government, took part on July 14th, 2022, in the state-of-the-nation debate with the National Parliament, the first of this Legislature.

During the debate, the Prime Minister and members of the Government responded to the questions and concerns of the members of the National Parliament and presented the most relevant contributions of the 8th Constitutional Government to the political, economic and social development, as well as the past and future priorities, plans and challenges.

The Head of Government, in his speech at the opening of the debate, described the main results of the mandate, grouped around the thematic areas of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP), which is developed around three fundamental areas, Social Capital, Infrastructure Development and Economic Development, also involving a fourth area/sector, Institutional Development transversal to the others.

The Prime Minister underlined “that without the institutional involvement and cooperation of all bodies, sectors of society and development partners, the Government alone would not have been able to achieve the outcomes presented”.

He also expressed his “enormous satisfaction and pride in the feeling of accomplishment, in this assessment (…) of four years of governance”, which he considered to be “frankly positive in the relentless search for excellence, even in the face of the unavoidable adversities that have afflicted our country throughout our term of office”.



