Government promotes general cleaning campaign throughout the country

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Dili, January 27th, 2022

Press Release

Government promotes an initiative to carry out a general clean-up across the country

The Government will promote tomorrow, January 28th, 2022, throughout the day, a nationwide general cleaning action, to be carried out by all employees of public administration bodies and services, and calls for the mobilization of the entire population, including civil society organizations and schools, to join in the cleaning of public spaces.

This cleaning campaign is part of the fight against the dengue fever outbreak that affects Timor-Leste, with a total of 972 registered cases and 18 deaths, according to data announced yesterday by the Ministry of Health. Dili is the most affected municipality, with a total of 648 cases.

The Ministry of State Administration will release the guidelines regarding the organization and distribution of the teams for the general cleaning, to the organs and services of the public administration.

At the next meeting, the Council of Ministers will deliberate on the continuity of this measure, as well as its periodicity. END

