Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 1st, 2021

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 1st, 2021

The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved, with amendments, the draft Government Decree on the Internal Regulation of the Sea Affairs Committee, presented by the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.

This draft Government Decree follows the approval of Decree-Law No 39/2020, of September 23rd, which created the Maritime Authority System (SAM), and provides for the Sea Affairs Committee, as a body endowed with powers to exercise effective political control over the actions of the National Maritime Authority.

The Council of Ministers approved the draft deliberation presented jointly by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, regarding the dismissal and appointment of the Chief of Defence Staff (CEMFA) and the Commanders of the F-FDTL Components.

These proposed dismissals and appointments shall be submitted to His Excellency the President of the Republic for approval.

Lastly, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Decree-Law on Multifunctional Shelter Centres (CAMF) presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. These shelters are intended for the temporary accommodation of victims of serious accidents and catastrophes. END
