CROP finalizes analysis of the 2022 State Budget and approves a budget ceiling of US$1.675 billion for the 2022 State Budget

The Political Review Committee (better known by the CROP Portuguese acronym), led by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, conclude today, September 16th,2021, in the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance, the analysis of budget submissions and approved a new ceiling budget, with a value of US$1.675 billion for the 2022 General State Budget (OGE Portuguese acronym).

After analyzing the sectorial proposal and in order to cover all the programmatic needs and all the relevant activities of the ministries and State institutions for the year 2022, it was necessary to readjust and increase the budget ceiling initially approved by the Council of Ministers in the past July 14th.

The VIII Constitutional Government defined six national priorities for the 2022 State Budget: 1) development of human capital (education, professional training and health);2) housing and social inclusion; 3) productive sectors (agriculture and tourism), environment and connectivity; 4) private sector development; 5) rural development; and 6) good governance.

The Ministry of Finance will now prepare the final wording of the 2022 State Budget Bill, to be considered by the Council of Minister at the next meeting and delivered to the National Parliament in October.

In addition to the Prime Minister, the CROP is composed of Deputies Prime Minister, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, the Minister of transport and communications and by the Minister of the state Administration. The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, and the Commissioner for the Right of the Child also participated in the CROP meetings as observers.

