Prime Minister expresses solidarity with the community of the old Comoro Market that was affected by a fire early this morning

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Dili, July 29th, 2021

Press Release

Prime Minister expresses solidarity with the community of the old Comoro Market that was affected by a fire early this morning

The Prime-Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, expressed his sadness at reports of a fire that broke out early this Thursday morning in the old Comoro Market, affecting the community, burning to ashes some four hundred houses.

Given this situation, the Head of Government expressed his solidarity and gave courage to the affected families, having already directed the relevant Ministries, such as the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, the Ministry of State Administration and the Secretary of State for Civil Protection to act immediately to support the affected families.

“This morning, I received information about a fire in the old Comoro Market, which is said to have burnt close to 400 houses in the community. I am very saddened and really sorry to hear this news. I take this opportunity, on behalf my behalf and on behalf of the Government, to express our solidarity with the affected families and ask everyone for courage to face this situation.”

“I have immediately directed the relevant Ministries to mobilise at once to the ground to conduct the identification of the damage and a first intervention with some emergency support to the affected families.”
