Government gathers all efforts to support the population affected by the floods

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


April 4th, 2021

Press Release

Government gathers all efforts to support the population affected by the floods

The Government expresses solidarity with the population affected by the floods that occurred over the weekend, which caused major material damages throughout the city of Dili and in several parts of the country, with thousands of people affected, hundreds displaced, injured and at least eleven dead.

The Executive, through civil protection, public works, social solidarity and all relevant entities in this area, is already working in the field to ensure humanitarian support to the affected population and to rehabilitate the infrastructures.

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, expressed, on his behalf and on behalf of the Government, his “solidarity with the affected population and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the heavy floods”.

The Head of Government “wished for strength, at this difficult time, to overcome this suffering” and assured that “the Government will make every effort to help the families affected by this natural disaster.” END

