MHESC launched the “Kbi’it Laek” Scholarship Program

On February 25th, 2021, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture (MHESC), Longuinhos dos Santos, launched the “Kbi’it Laek” Scholarship Program, with the signing of the Ministerial Diploma that regulates the entire process, which will be implemented by the Technical Secretariat of the Human Capital Development Fund, in coordination with other relevant entities.

The “Kbi’it Laek” Scholarships are intended for students from vulnerable or needy families and have as main objective to guarantee all Timorese citizens equal access to higher education, and reduce poverty, one of the main targets set out in the 8th Constitutional Government’s Program.

The General Director of Higher Education and Science, the Executive Director of the Human Capital Development Fund, the Coordinator of the Student Support Coordination Unit (UCAE), technicians and advisors participated in this ceremony.
