National Parliament overall approves the Law Proposal draft to authorize the Government to define the bases of the organization of public administration

The members of the National Parliament approved today, February 8th, 2021, in overall  vote, with 37 votes of favour,  11 votes against  and 12 abstentions, the Legislative Authorization Law Proposal draft on the general bases of the Public Administration Organization.

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, after the reading of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Justice (Committee A) conclusions, presented a general framework of the Law Proposal and explained that “this authorization has as main objectives the harmonization, definition and organization of each of the public administration bodies and their respective competences”.

The Minister also clarified that this Law Proposal has no relation with the Civil Service Commission Statutes or with the Law that creates the Civil Service Commission.

This legislative intervention fulfils a constitutional obligation foreseen in article 96 (1) (e), with the creation of a legal regime which will provide the entire public administration with the general basis for its action.

This Law Proposal Draft, included in the program of public administration reform, together with other legislative initiatives, was approved by the Council of Ministers on February 19th, 2020, on a proposal of the then Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, with the aim of promoting the effectiveness of public administration, so that its organization is coherent and homogeneous that facilitates the continuation of its activities, through the interoperability and intercommunicability of human and material resources. Administrative organization is the state’s instrument to continue its public interest tasks, meeting the collective needs of the population.

Tomorrow, February 9th, 2021, the Law Proposal draft will be detailed discussed and voted.
