Signature of the Budget Allocation Transfer Agreement to the RAEOA and Launch of the Use of the Integrated Financial Management Information System or GRP by the RAEOA and ZEESM Authority

On January 21st, 2021, the Minister of Finance, Rui A. Gomes, accompanied by the Vice Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, and by the President of the Authority of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse-Ambeno (RAEOA-ZEESM), Arsénio P. Bano, participated in two important ceremonies at the Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, in the Ministry of Finance’s building.

The first of these ceremonies was the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Finance and the RAEOA Authority on the transfer of a sum of US$ 29, million 243 thousand, allocated in the All-Government Allocation, to finance the expenses of the RAEOA authority and ZEESM for the year 2021, which was approved in National Parliament with an amount of US$ 127 million. The detail of the  RAEOA-ZEESM financing sources is as follows: allocation from the Central Government: US$ 29 million 243 thousand; RAEOA Management Balance, available in its own account, accumulated from previous years: US$ 97 million, 757 thousand.

The second ceremony was the launch of the use of the Integrated Financial Management Information System, also known as Government Resource Planning – GRP,  of the RAEOA  authority.

This launch is an important step and is the result of the efforts of both parties. With this change, the RAEOA authority begins to implement its budget through the same system used by the Central Government, in order to promote transparency in budget implementation in the Public Administration, and to respond to the requirements of the supervisory bodies, namely the National Parliament and the Chamber of Accounts.

By using this system, the RAEOA Authority will have access to the following modules: Finance Module, Procurement Module, Contract Management Module, Management and Treasury Module – Payments, Accounting, and Financial Reporting (Treasury Management), Budget Module (Performance Budgeting Module) and Property Registration Module (Asset Module).

Another important benefit that the RAEOA Authority will be able to enjoy is that the RAEOA Authority’s budget execution data is now accessible through the Transparency Portal, in real time.

Thus, the beginning of the use of the GRP system by the RAEOA Authority is an important step in the scope of the implementation of the Public Finance Management Reform Policy, to promote transparency and accountability for the use of public money.

At this launching ceremony, the Minister of Finance, Dr. Rui Gomes, acknowledged and thanked the Vice Minister, Sara Lobo Brites, “because it was her effort and leadership that allowed us, today, to carry out this launch of the use of the GRP system by the RAEOA Authority”.

The Minister of Finance also thanked the leaders and technical teams of the Office of Informatics and Financial Management, the General Directorate for Corporate Services and the General Directorate of Treasury, who worked very intensively and provide adequate training to our managers in Oe-Cusse.

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