Minister of Presidency of the Council of Ministers meets with the CDT-TL Executive Director

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, met, on January 12th 2021, in the Government Palace, with the National Executive Director of the Compact Development Team (CDT-TL), Ambassador Constâncio Pinto, responsible for the development team for the compact of development projects financed by the US agency Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

During the meeting, the activities already carried out in 2020 and the priorities for 2021, related to the preparatory studies and data collection for the water and sanitation projects, drainage and education infrastructures, within the scope of this program, were analysed.

In June 2021, should be signed, between MCC and the Timor-Leste Government, the agreement for the implementation of the compact for a period of five years, with support provided by the US agency, which is expected to amount to US$ 285 million dollars, depending on the results of the ongoing feasibility studies.

The program, led by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council  of Ministers, aims to improve the citizens’ living conditions, by eradicating of malnutrition and rickets, through, among other measures, the construction of basic sanitation infrastructures, infrastructures for widespread access to safe drinking water,  the adoption of specific nutrition programs and improved access to quality public health services. The program also intends to raise the quality of national human resources with investment in school infrastructure, training and curriculum revision.

The MCC announced, in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, last December, that it re-elected Timor-Leste to continue to develop the compact, “in recognition of the solid partnership that exists so far and the Timor-Leste’s sustained commitment to strengthening democratic institutions, maintaining sound economic policies and investing in its people”.

In the letter, the MCC Executive Director, Sean Cairncross, also expressed “appreciation for the government leadership that conducts the program, through Minister Fidelis Magalhães and the CDT-TL, with the contribution of the relevant ministerial lines, to the development of a results-oriented compact that reflects Timor-Leste’s priorities”.
