Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak’s message on Timor-Leste’s accession to the “Scaling Up Nutrition” Movement

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


October 13, 2020

Press Release

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak’s message on Timor-Leste’s accession to the “Scaling Up Nutrition” Movement

Timor-Leste has assumed the commitment to increase the living conditions of its populations, especially in the well-being areas of education, health and food, as well as in the access of basic services and infrastructures, therefore contributing to the development and economic stability of the country.

This commitment encourages our strategic goal to fight against poverty and child or family sub-nutrition, which justifies our adhesion to the Global Movement to Improve Nutrition, known in English as SUN Movement ou Scaling Up Nutrition Movement.

It is in this sense that we wish to mobilize human and financial resources in favour to the establishment of new Public and Private Partnerships to implement the Sun Movement Operational Roadmap in Timor-Leste, which will support national nutrition plans and policies.

We believe that, with the SUN Movement support in Timor-Leste, we will have the possibility to give to children a better life starts, contribution to reduce the sub-nutrition and infant mortality rates, securing the development of a healthy and active society, with well growth children, prosper families and strong populations.

I would like to end with a warm gratitude given to H.E. the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations in her quality of the SUN Movement Coordinator. Ms. Gerda Verburg, for all the support and for the confidence shown by the members of this global movement. Many Thanks. END
