Congress of the Halibur Deficiência Matan Timor-Leste – Blind Association in Timor-Leste

The Congress of the Halibur Deficiência Matan Timor-Leste - Blind Association in Timor-Leste   (AHDMTL) took place from 12 to 14 August, in Dili. The event featured an opening speech by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Mrs Armanda Berta dos Santos and a closing speech by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães.

The AHDMTL is a non-governmental organization, created in 2011, with the mission of promoting the rights of people with blindness and visual impairment, namely through access to education, health, justice and employment.

This congress, which is hold every five years, aims to allow all members and representatives from each municipality to present suggestions and recommendations, and contribute with constructive criticism and ideas for the organization’s activity. During the three days of the event, the participants also analysed the financial report from 2017  to 2020 and the strategic plan for the period of 2020 to 2030. Were also chosen the Fiscal Council members for the next five years.

In his speech, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers stated that “the Government is increasing its efforts to be able to contribute to a developed country, with opportunities for all Timorese, including citizens with disabilities, so that they can proactively participate in our society, in our development and in the construction of our nation”.

The Minister stressed that “a nation is not complete as long as only a few compete for opportunities” and “while other cannot reach opportunities and continue to have to overcome great challenges in their lives”.

He ended his speech, expressing his admiration for the members of the AHDMTL as “their strength and their determination in overcoming difficulties, are a source of inspiration for the whole nation” and encouraged them “to continue to participate actively in politics, in civil society and in all entities, so as not to forget your concerns”.

The event was also attended by the officials from national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations and by academics.
