Government expresses solidarity with Lebanon

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


August 6, 2020

Press Release

Government expresses solidarity with Lebanon

On behalf of the Timorese people, the Government offers condolences to the victim’s families and friends of the blast occurred at the Beirut port region, in Lebanon, this Tuesday, August 4th, 2020. The Government also expresses its solidarity to the Lebanese Government and people, who are facing the effects of this catastrophe.

A strong blast devastated the Beirut Port, which cause seismic waves equivalent to a 3.3 in the Richter scale earthquake, causing countless material damage in almost half of the city, more than 100 fatalities, more than five thousand wounded and around 300 thousand displaced.

The VIII Constitutional Government Spokesperson, Minister Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, stated that “our condolences go to the families that have loosed their loved ones and we salute those who remain determined in search for survivors. Timor-Leste is in solidarity with the Lebanese Government and people, in these difficulty days, and in the challenges that everyone will face in the coming weeks and months”. End
