Tolerance Days-Off on December 24, 26, 30, and January 2, 2020

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release Correction dated 18 December 2019

Tolerance Days-Off on December 24, 26 and 30, 2019 and January 2, 2020

Law No. 10/2005 of 10 August, in the wording given by Law No. 3/2016 of 25 May, establishes the days which are national holidays and commemorative official dates, while also setting the conditions under which tolerance/-days off are granted.

Christmas is one of the solemnities that is of the utmost importance in the Christian community, in which the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated, with a Christmas Mass.

Considering that Christmas is still associated with a family celebration, traditionally devoted to the gathering of all its members.

Considering that New Year’s Day, a day of thanks for the year that has passed and of welcome to the coming year, it is also marked with festivities and religious ceremonies.

Considering article 7, in paragraphs a) and (c) of nº 2 and paragraph d) of nº 6 of Law nº 10/2005 of 10 August, in the wording set out by Law Nº 3/2016 of 25 May, the Prime Minister determines:

            1. Tolerance Days-Off are granted on 24, 26 and 30 December 2019, throughout the day;

           2. Tolerance Days-Off are granted, too, on January 2, 2020, throughout the day.

This order covers all officials and agents of their dependent ministries or services, as well as institutes and bodies integrated into the indirect administration of the State. ENDS

