Government and National Parliament Begin Debate on the General State Budget for 2020

The Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, the members of the Eight Government and the members of Parliament began Monday 2 December 2019, the debate regarding the General State Budget (OGE) proposal for the fiscal year 2020. The OGE 2020 was prepared on the basis of five fundamental principles, medium and long-term fiscal sustainability, alignment with national priorities, budgetary implementation capacity, the absorption capacity of the local economy and budget quality. In this regard, the Government submits to the discussion and approval of the National Parliament, a General State Budget for 2020 with an estimated public expenditure of around US$1.950 million (one billion and nine hundred and fifty million dollars).

The three priority areas of activity approved by the Council of Ministers are the development of social capital, focusing on education and training, health and supply of drinking water and basic sanitation infrastructure; economic development with a focus on encouraging private sector investment, job creation, economic diversification and development of the agriculture sector; and increased national connectivity with the development of ports, airports, rural and urban roads and the development of national logistics with the creation of processing and storage infrastructures and with the improvement of maritime transport, land and air.

In his opening speech the Prime-Minister said that “The General Budget of the State is the main instrument for implementing measures and public policies that will dictate governance for next year, and which intend to continue the process of building a Country of Medium-High Income, in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 .  I expect that all Parliamentarians will contribute constructively to this budgetary process, which will certainly have the presence, participation and active contribution of the different members of the Government”.

This Debate of the OGE 2020 will continue with the discussion and general vote between the 2nd and the 4th of December 2019. The specialty discussion and vote, and final global vote is set to take place on the 18th. The final text is expected to be sent to the President of the Republic on December 19, 2019.
