Public hearings for consideration of the OGE 2020 begin

The public hearings promoted by the Standing Specialized Committees of the National Parliament for the assessment and preparation of the report and opinion on the Proposed Law on the General State Budget (OGE) for 2020 have begun.

Public hearings run until November 6 and until then the Commissions will hear members of the Government, representatives of Presidency of the Republic, leaders of public administration and representatives of civil society for debate and clarification of their budgets for the financial year 2020.

A report will then be prepared and the commissions’ opinion is set to be discussed at the Plenary Session on the Draft Law of the OGE 2020, which will begin with the discussion and vote in general on 21, 22 and 25th of November. The discussion and vote on the specialty and final global vote will take place between November 26 and December 10. The final wording is expected to be sent to the President of the Republic on November 11.

The OGE Proposal, with a total amount of US$1.95 billion, was approved by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on October 2 2019 and was handed over by the Government to the National Parliament on October 16.
