Commemoration of the International Rural Women’s Day

As part of the Rural Women’s International Day, celebrated on October 15, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) organized, together with the non-governmental organization Care International, a celebration of Rural Women, in the Lepa village, in the Leotola suco, at the administrative post of Liquiçá, in the municipality of Liquiçá, on October the 17th.

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, during the ceremony, congratulated the women of the Leotola suco and all the women living in rural areas of Timor-Leste.

The Minister has promised that her ministry, together with other relevant ministries, will work on improving the living conditions of girls and women in rural areas, notably in improving access to health, education, politics, economic life and Information.

The Minister also recalled the “great contribution given by rural woman in the time of resistance”, adding that “it is necessary to continue to support and motivate rural women, involving them in all sectors so that they can have a maximum participation In the development of Timor-Leste”.

The head of the Leotola suco explained that “the main problems that women of this suco have been facing are mainly related to sexual violence and domestic violence”. “We seek to solve the problems according to our capacity and our own competencies and what we cannot solve at the local level, goes to the courts and is prosecuted according to the law in force”, said the head of suco.

On the same occasion, Martina Martins, as mother, born in the same Suco, expressed her satisfaction that the celebrations of the International Day of Rural Women were held in her village and took the opportunity to ask for the support of the Government for improving access to electricity, drinking water and roads to all members of the community.

During the ceremony, 50 bags of rice were delivered by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion to the most deprived population and medical treatments were also carried out for women in this Suco.

Among the participants in this commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women, were the representative of the Administrator of the municipality of Liquiçá, the administrator of the Administrative Post of Liquiçá, the commander of the PNTL of the municipality of Liquiçá, the head of local office of MSSI, the Director Of the Social Solidarity Center of the municipality of Liquiçá, the head of the Department of Social Protection for women of the MSSI, members from the Ministry of Health, community leaders and the local community.
