The first edition of the Press Journalism Workshop begins

The first edition of the Press Journalism Workshop will take place until the 25th of October, at the Portuguese Cultural Center of Portugal’s Embassy in Dili. This training is carried out under component 2 of the “Partnership for the improvement of the provision of services through the reinforcement of the management and supervision of public finances in Timor-Leste” (PFMO – Public Financial Management and Oversight), a project co-financed by the European Union and the Camões IP – Institute for Cooperation and Portuguese Language, which is also supported by the SECOMS (Secretariat of State for Social Communication), the Press Council and Cenjor (Professional Training Protocol Centre for Journalists).

With 60 hours of training and directed to the written press, this workshop was designed to train journalists in the field of written journalism, specifically the application of their techniques within the theme of public finances and in the context of Timor-Leste. The training, taught in Portuguese, is divided into five modules that include the deontological code, writing and news formats and techniques, culminating in the creation of a journalism report.

The training is supervised by Isabel Nery, trainer of Cenjor, journalist and writer who has 15 years of work in the Portuguese magazine Visão, collaborations in several international publications and has been distinguished with several prizes.

The Cenjor, a Portuguese training entity in the area of social communication, began its activity in 1988 and develops professional training sessions for journalists and other media and communications staff, with the objective of improving the service they provide to the community through the continuous training and dignification of media professionals. In cooperation with Portuguese official language countries (PLOP) it has contributed to the training of journalists and other media professionals in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, S. Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste, benefiting hundreds of trainees.

This is only one of the themed activities to be held in the context of the partnership between Cenjor and the PFMO-C2 aimed at strengthening the capacity of media professionals in Timor-Leste, through the several training sessions taught in Dili by renowned journalists in the media panorama in Portugal.
