Government signs annual grant agreement with the Timorese Episcopal Conference

The Prime-Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the president of the Timorese Episcopal Conference (CET), D. Norberto do Amaral, Bishop of the Diocese of Maliana, signed today, on 23 September, an agreement that sets out the attribution, by Government, of a public subsidy to the value of 10 million USD for the financial year of 2019 for carrying out activities in the educational, social and ecclesial areas. The signing ceremony took place at the Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, in the Ministry of Finance, in Dili.

This agreement is concluded under the Concordate signed on 14 August 2015, between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Holy See, which establishes the legal framework for bilateral relations between the two States and the framework agreement signed on 16 June 2017 between the Government and the CET. These agreements provide for an annual contribution, according to the Government’s financial availability, to the activities of a social, educational and ecclesial government of the Catholic Church. The quantitative and modalities of the grant are regulated annually by specific agreements between the Government and the Timorese Episcopal Conference.

The agreement now signed provides that 50% of the value of the subsidy will be used for educational purposes, 25% for social purposes, 15% for ecclesial government purposes and the remaining 10% for grant management purposes.

The Prime-Minister, in his speech, acknowledged “the important role that the Catholic Church played during the National liberation struggle” and the “fundamental role that it continues to play in the current stage of national development, providing quality educational, health and support services for the most deprived, vulnerable and disadvantaged people, working in areas or regions of the country, which still do not benefit from the full access to public state services”.

The head of Government also took advantage of the “opportunity to praise the educational, social and ecclesial work of the hundreds of institutions distributed throughout the country, which daily with their selfless effort and dedication contribute to this great strategic mission of the State, to build well educated, healthy, interested, active and participative citizens, able to seize opportunities and contribute to the good development of the country, communities and their families”.

Taur Matan Ruak also expressed his profound sadness at the death of Father João de Deus, who died yesterday, 22 September, of which “will remain his work and the memory of a good shepherd, affectionate, affable and devoted to his flock”.

Dom Norberto do Amaral thanked the Government’s attention to the Catholic Church and the efforts of the two teams, from the Government and the CET, responsible for the discussion and preparation of this agreement now signed.

The Minister of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, the Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, the Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva, the Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, Bishop Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Dili, the Charge D’ Affairs  of the Apostolic Nunciature, Monsignor Marco Sprizzi, Father Juvito de Araujo, Father Julio Crispim and Father Leandro Maria Alves participated in the ceremony.
