Government analyzes situation of pending infrastructure projects

The Minister of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) and Acting Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment (MPIE), Agio Pereira, met with the heads of the National Procurement Commission (CNA), the National Development Agency (ADN) and the Secretariat of Large Projects (SGP), representatives of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, to assess the state of play of the processes related to the 143 pending infrastructure projects of the Sixth Constitutional Government with a view to their rapid resolution. The meeting was held on June 18 at the Government Palace in Dili.

These previous Government projects concern urgent infrastructure works that have responded to emergencies and natural disasters and additions necessary to pre-existing projects, which, in view of the situations in question, had to be resolved urgently.

The needs of these projects were identified by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications of the Sixth Constitutional Government, which sent the pre-analysis of the Infrastructure Fund’s Board of Directors (CAFI) and verification by the DNA, having been approved by CAFI. The projects were inserted and approved by the National Parliament in the General State Budget of 2018.

Of the 143 projects, in about two-thirds the work has already been partially or totally carried out and the payments have already been partially made or are in administrative process. Of the remaining, a good part is already under construction.

Government institutions will prepare an integrated and detailed report that will include the description of the needs that led to the execution of these projects and the situation of each one, so that this process can be analyzed by the Council of Ministers and resolved as quickly as possible so that the State can fulfill its established obligations and comply with the objectives of the Strategic Development Plan (PED) 2011-2030 and the Eight Constitutional Government Program to support national entrepreneurs with a view to national economic development and promotion of employment and capacity building of the national private sector.

In addition to the Minister of State, the Director General of DNA, Samuel Marçal, the Director General of CNA, Aniceto do Rosário, SGP Coordinator, Krispim Fernandes, MPIE Chief Advisers, Gastão de Sousa, Pedro Lay and Santina Viegas Cardoso, and National Directors and legal advisors of PCM and MPIE participate in the meeting.

