Meeting of the Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund

The Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) met on 29 March 2019 at the Ministry of Finance in Dili to discuss and analyze the projects of the Infrastructure Fund (IF).

The meeting, organized by the Secretariat of Large Projects, was attended by the members of the Government that make up the CAFI, holders of the briefs related to planning, finance and public works and officials of the National Development Authority (ADN) pf the National Supply Comission (CNA) and ministerial departments with ongoing IF projects.

The IF was established in 2011 and is a financial instrument that aims to support strategic projects to enhance Timor-Leste’s economic growth by facilitating the development of infrastructure and provisioning of financial sources for road and bridge projects, airports and water and energy supply, education and health, tourism and other large projects with a budget of more than one million dollars.

The sustainability of the IF is directly linked to the strategic priorities of economic development, social and environmental impacts, aligned with the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.

Following the creation of the Infrastructure Fund, the Government established the Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) as the executive body with authority over the decision-making process for all matters related to Infrastructure Fund projects. The CAFI also provides political guidance to sectoral ministerial institutions or departments.

The Major Projects Secretariat provides technical and administrative support to CAFI, in close coordination with DNA, CNA and ministerial departments. It also assumes responsibility for evaluation and feasibility studies of projects, providing recommendations on budget availability as well as funding options and executing payments based on DNA recommendations.

The meeting was attended by the President of CAFI, the Acting Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, Agio Pereira, the acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, the Minister of Transport and Communications , José Agustinho da Silva (members of CAFI), SGP Director Krispim Fernandes, DNA Director General, Samuel Marçal, the President of the Court of Appeal, Deolindo dos Santos and representatives of CNA, F-FDTL, ANATL, APORTIL, PMU-Tibar and ministerial departments with FI projects.
