Meeting of the Council of Ministers of December 5, 2018

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of December 5, 2018

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and analyzed a presentation by the Secretary of State for Social Communication concerning the agreement with the People’s Republic of China for the implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). This project will build two DTT broadcasting stations in Dili and surrounding areas, according to the standards of the UN agency specialized in information and communication technologies, the International Telecommunication Union. The Council of Ministers approved the attribution of full powers to the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Merício Juvenal dos Reis ‘Akara’, for the signature of said agreement.

The management of the Comité Orientador 25 (CO25) presented the Council of Ministers with an overview of the activities carried out and the projection of work to be carried out next year. The Comité Orientador 25 is an institution created by Government Resolution in 2017 and made up of twenty-five youth organizations of the Resistance. CO25 aims to carry out extensive research into the involvement of youth in the struggle for national liberation and as a result write a book on the history of the East Timor Resistance.

The Council of Ministers analyzed the presentation by the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, on the report on gender-sensitive budget policy, which presents a road map for the integration of the perspective of gender equality in the management of public finances, by ensuring that the planning and allocation of public resources ensures equal rights for all citizens in political, socio-economic and cultural life.

The Government approved a proposal for a Decree-Law, on the organic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the government department responsible for the design, execution, coordination and evaluation of the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, in the areas of foreign policy and international cooperation, consular functions and the promotion and defense of the interests of Timorese citizens abroad.

The Council of Ministers analyzed a proposed Decree-Law for the creation of the National Agency for the Reform and Modernization of Public Administration. The proposal assigns to this Public Institute the responsibility for identifying, developing and evaluating programs, projects and actions aimed at reforming and modernizing public administration for the progressive improvement of the provision of goods and public services to citizens. This proposal for a Decree-Law will be re-examined at a later date in the Council of Ministers.

The Council of Ministers approved a proposed Decree-Law, presented by the Ministry of Health, regarding the second amendment to Decree-Law 14/2004 of September 1, on the work of Health Professionals. This Decree-Law aims to change the validity of the registration of East Timorese health professionals, from the current five years to two years, considering the approval of the policy of examinations of competence for all health professionals, thereby ensuring the qualification of health professionals and the quality of the acts they practice.

The Government approved a Government Resolution, presented by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, who appoints José da Costa as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatoli, Timor-Leste News Agency, IP, for a period of four years.

The Government approved a Government Resolution presented by the Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva, who appoints Gabriel de Jesus, as Non-Executive Director of the National Communications Authority.

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos, presented a proposal for a Government Resolution approved by the Council of Ministers on the appointment of Armindo Maia as President of the General Council of the Polytechnic Institute of Betano for a period of three years.

The Council of Ministers approved a Government Resolution presented by the Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, to approve the draft Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Australia for the donation of communication and training equipment to Timor-Leste elements of F-FDTL regarding the use of donated equipment. ENDS
