Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 21, 2018

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 21, 2018

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and began with the approval of the organic of the State Secretariat for the Environment, the government department that supports the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, responsible for the design, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, for the environment.

The Minister of Transport and Communications presented a proposal for the appointment of the Members that make up the Board of Directors of the Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações, the National Communications Authority. The Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações is a Public Institute under the authority of the Minister of Transport and Communications and is responsible for regulating, supervising and inspecting the communications sector in all its aspects, namely licensing and supervising telecommunications operators, ensuring the management of the radioelectric spectrum and the regulation of the communications sector. The Government approved the appointment of João Olívio Freitas, as President of the Board of Directors and Georgina Emília da Silva Garcia, as Finance Director. Subsequently, the Council of Ministers will appoint the Non-Executive Director.

The Council of Ministers also approved a proposal for a Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, regarding the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Social Security. Mr. Longuinhos Armando S. I. Leto, MM, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Azevedo Marçal, PhD and Mr. Cornelio Barros, as members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Alberto Carvalho Araújo, SS, MM, EM, as representative of employers, and Mr. Ramalho da Costa, A.P., as representative of the workers, in the aforementioned Board of Directors of the National Institute of Social Security. ENDS
