Government organizes training on gender equality for Editors and Newsrooms chiefs

The Secretariat of State for Social Communication together with the State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion organized a training with national media editors and newsroom chiefs under the theme “media should also act in the prevention of violence against women”. The training takes place between October 8 and 12, 2018, in the Maria Gorete room, Obrigado Barak, Díli.

The Secretary of State for Social Communication, Mericio Juvenal dos Reis “Akara”, said the objective of this training is to promote the knowledge of journalists and editors on gender equality issues, prevention of violence against women and the legal framework of Timor-Leste so that they may improve their reporting in this area while also strengthening cooperation between government agencies, civil society and the media.

The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, said that this training will serve to ensure that articles and reports that journalists publish are gender sensitive and can also help in the prevention of gender-based violence but also domestic violence, because we usually only think about violence against women, but children are also often victims of domestic violence. In addition to raising awareness about gender issues, this training also aims to enable journalists to act in the prevention of gender-based violence and domestic violence because journalists have an important mission of transmitting information to society.
