International Conference on Affairs of the Sea – Timor-Leste: The Century of the Sea

The National Defense Institute of Timor-Leste (IDN-TL) held an international conference on August 16 and 17 in the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance with the objective of promoting the vital importance of the sea to the country, declaring the 21st Century as the period in which Timor-Leste must orient itself towards the sea.

During the two days of the conference, national and international speakers provided a critical reflection on the need for a national policy centered on the sea as a fundamental element in the process of (re)construction of the State and transformation of Timorese society.

The President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, said in his address at the opening of the event, that “a national strategy for the sea is needed, with an integrative vision that transforms into reality the potential that the Timorese Sea, making use of resources and to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects, for the benefit of all East Timorese. ” Francisco Guterres Lú Olo also affirmed that “the sea is a strategic vector for economic development, supporting various activities such as the exploration of natural resources and minerals, maritime transport, tourism, shipbuilding and repair or nautical recreation, among many other traditional or emerging activities”.

The Minister of State and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, in his presentation on the “Maritime Border Definition Process”, provided an historical account of the dispute process of the Timor Sea as well as main aspects of the conciliation process which led to the signing in March of this year of the Treaty of Definition of the Maritime Frontier between Timor-Leste and Australia. In his speech he said that “the agreement reached in Copenhagen, on the symbolic day of August 30, 2017, the 18th anniversary of the referendum for Independence, was an important political victory for our country.” Agio Pereira said that this agreement that established the fundamental structure of the Treaty, formalized in March 2018 in New York, “serves not only to develop the country but also to strengthen relations of friendship and cooperation with Australia” and that “this result is still an example to the world of how a peaceful and comprehensive resolution can be reached between states that cannot overcome historical impasses”. “It is also a victory for international law and for the United Nations system”, he said, adding that this “is further proof that Timorese determination and resilience in the defense of fair causes are not vain qualities”. The Minister of State and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers stated that Timor-Leste “will continue the trilateral talks between the States and the Joint Venture culminating” the process “by which agreement should be reached on the commercial terms for the development” of Greater Sunrise “and in the future will begin negotiations with Indonesia” guaranteeing “full sovereignty over our land and sea borders and, as such, monetize the potential of the seas that surround us, in an independent and sustainable way”.

The theme of the international conference was “Timor-Leste: The Century of the Sea”, and as sub-themes: “contributions from national sectors with potential to strengthen national security and development”, and “ways of empowering the services and industries of national strategic infrastructures “.
