Program of the Eight Constitutional Government approved in the National Parliament

The National Parliament ended today, July 27, 2018, the appreciation of the Program that will guide the activities of the Eight Constitutional Government during the next five years.

During the three days of debate of the program, the Members of Parliament presented their doubts, suggestions and requests for clarification to the Government and voted down the Motion of Rejection presented by the opposition, with 36 votes against, four abstentions and 25 votes in favor.

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak assured MPs that he would “take their concerns and suggestions into account”, thus ensuring “a Governance action closer and politically more inclusive of the National Parliament’s guidelines.”

During the closing speech, the Prime Minister also stressed that “the debate of the Government Program showed that despite differences of opinion and political ideology, all Parliamentary Groups are committed to making Timor-Leste a country that is increasingly fair, inclusive, prosperous and developed.”

The Government Program now approved, summarizes the main public policies to be adopted to reinforce and optimize the sectors of governance and their resources, shortening the path to transform the 2030 vision into reality and is based on five key sectors for the future of the country:

The Prime Minister concluded his closing statement by stating that this is “a program of Government for all East Timorese in favor of a strong, rich and secure Timor-Leste” and reiterated its commitment to involve “all, be it at the political, or at the level of civil society organizations in the implementation of the program”.

To read the speech of the Prime Minister of presentation of the program click here.

To read the speech of the Prime Minister closing the presentation of the program click here.
