The Government extends the deadline until May 31st of 2018 for the regularization of all lottery games

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Dili, 6th May 2018

In recent days, some concerns have been raised by the public regarding the suspension of lottery games by the Ministry of Tourism of the Seventh Constitutional Government.

The Government’s official spokesman, the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers and for Social Communication, Matias Boavida, stated that “the Government is not closing all lottery games but only suspending its activities temporarily until they open their BNCTL bank accounts.”

“The Government, through the Ministry of Tourism, has already instructed that the deadline for all administrative requirements to be met and the BNCTL accounts to be opened be extended until 31st May 2018″, concluded the Secretary of State Matias Boavida. ENDS


*For additional information, please contact Carlito Caminha at (+670) 78103395.
