Day-off On the Occasion of the Parliamentary Election of 2018

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Dili, 3rd May 2018

Press Release

Day-off on the Occasion of the Parliamentary Election of 2018 

The Government has decided to grant a day-off next Friday, 11th May, the day before the date of the parliamentary election of 2018, to all employees and agents of the ministries and their dependent services, as well as institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies, so that registered citizens who do not reside in the municipality of their registration, can travel in time to exercise their right to vote.

It has also decided to grant a day-off on the next 10,11 and 14 May 2018 to all employees and agents of the ministries and their dependent services, as well as institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies who are registered in the Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region but reside or work outside that region.

Finally, it has instructed all Heads of public and private education institutions, to promote the equivalent exemption attendance duty of the students registered in the Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region, who are studying outside that region, so that they can exercise their voting right. ENDS
