Ministry of Justice and the Public Defenders Office organize International Seminar

An international seminar on “The Public Defenders’ Office in a State of Democratic Rule of Law: an intercultural view of the right of access to justice in Timor-Leste” was held in the Ministry of Justice auditorium on March 15th and 16th and was organized by the Ministry of Justice and the Public Defender’s Office.

In the opening speech of the event, the Minister of Justice, Maria Ângela Carrascalão, emphasized “the tireless work carried out by the Timorese Public Defender’s Office, conducted with great professionalism and sense of public service, following the “access to justice” program and fulfilling its constitutional and legal mission towards the defense of those most vulnerable “.

The Minister of Justice thanked the Brazilian Cooperation for “the work acknowledged by everyone in the Public Defenders Office, in which it is considered the main partner and has been fundamental for the institutional strengthening of Timor-Leste.”

Maria Ângela Carrascalão, also stated that “the Timorese Public Defender works to ensure equal access to justice for all”, adding that “the State follows its commitment to guarantee to all citizens the value of their rights in court, with access to legal counsel, so that all citizens are aware of their rights without it depending on their financial resources.”

The Minister of Justice concluded by calling upon “all Timorese to look at the Public Defenders Office as an open and available institution that is always at their service”

During the event, Timorese and international experts discussed “International Cooperation in Timor-Leste, 16 years later,” the “Training of the Justice System professionals in the Legal Training Center: achievements and vulnerabilities“, “Interactions between formal and traditional: the possibilities for reform in family law“, and finally the theme “Between the traditional and the formal: The cultural specificities of Timor-Leste and the possibilities regarding the intervention of the Public Defender’s Office.

The organization of this seminar was supported by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The international seminar was also attended by the Brazilian Ambassador, Aldemo Garcia, the President of the Court of Appeal, Deolindo dos Santos, the General Public Defender, Sergio Hornai, Judges, public defenders, lawyers, development partners, scholars and local authorities.
