Government organizes International Seminar on Digital Transformation in the Public Sector

This Tuesday, February 6th, a Seminar was held in the Maubara Room, at Timor Plaza, Díli, with the topic “Leading Digital Transformation in Portuguese-speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste”.

This Seminar was organized by the Ministry of Justice, together with the Project for Support of the Improvement of PALOP and Timor-Leste Public Service Quality and Proximity (PASP / PALOP-TL), a project that is being implemented in the country in partnership with the Timorese Government, in order to increase and improve public service to individuals and organizations.

The event’s objective was to actively, dynamically and comprehensively discuss public sector digital transformation, sharing concrete experiences and strategic public policies followed by several countries in the implementation of digital government strategies.

Prime Minister, Marí Alkatiri, stated in his opening speech that “Timor-Leste is geared towards being a country with an efficient and effective digital electronic administration,” adding that there are already in Timor-Leste “different e-governance systems in a few public services such as the public finance management and payment or the civil service database management. “

Marí Alkatiri also referred that digital transformation “implies not only technology but, above all, the creation of infrastructural and human resource conditions”.

The ambassador of Portugal, José Pedro Machado Vieira, mentioned that this project aims to improve public services at a national and local level and stressed the importance of the recent extension process of issuance of identity cards to all national districts.

The event was also attended by Alexandre Zafiriou, the European Union Delegation Chargé d’Affaires, with presentations by João Vasconcelos and Tiago Fernandes from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Institute of Communication and Technology Coordenator (ICT), Justino Fernandes, PASP / PALOP-TL General Coordinator, Diogo Franco, and ultimately with the Minister of Justice’s closing speech, Maria Ângela Carrascalão.

The seminar was also attended by several Government members, diplomatic corps representatives and members of the public sector.
