Council of Ministers meeting on November 22, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 22, 2017

The Government met in the Government Palace in Dili and approved the second amendment to the Statutes of the Higher Education Teaching Career, to allow for the correct distribution of the subsidy allocated to each category, according to its hierarchy. Approved in 2012, these Statutes (Decree-Law No. 7/2012, of February 15) define the groups of beneficiaries and also the maximum amount of the subsidy to be assigned to each group. Three years later, Government Decree No. 2/2015, of January 14, regulated the conditions and the value applicable to each category of the higher education teaching career, but nevertheless required a Doctorate degree for its attribution. This newly approved amendment fulfils the main objective of the subsidy, which is to promote the quality of teaching of university professors by supporting research, extending access to the subsidy to non-doctoral categories, since there are still few teachers with that academic degree.

The Council of Ministers reviewed the Regime for the Promotion of Public Servants in Public Administration Careers, to regulate the promotion of public servants.

Both diplomas were proposed by the Prime Minister and the Civil Service Commission.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ inspection process of the Hong Long Fisheries, Lda commercial company vessels was also analysed. This is an issue of great importance to the national economy. In a spirit of institutional cooperation, the Government decided to inform the General Prosecutor of the steps that have been taken and are being taken in this process. ENDS
