Council of Ministers Meeting on the October 6, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Press Release

Council of Ministers Meeting of October 6th, 2017

The Government met this Friday, October 6th, at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the Program of the Seventh Constitutional Government. The document will be presented to the National Parliament, for discussion on October 10th.

The final text, which includes changes suggested by the several ministries, was presented by the Minister of the Presidency of Ministers Council, Adriano do Nascimento.

The Program indicates the commitments for the next five years of governance, which include actions against isolation (highlighting the Oe-Cusse Ambeno enclave and Ataúro Island), the creation of quality infrastructure, the improvement of public services provision, especially in health and social protection, and the development of the economy and consequently the conditions of life for the Timorese. The issue of the borders’ final delimitation and defense also remains at the top of the priorities.

Education, health, employment and economic capacity of the Timorese are identified as areas for priority intervention, for which the Government proposes to create a new global and integrated development model, supported by the consolidation of public finances.

The main political objective is to provide better quality of life to people, granting them general access to energy and drinking water, to better food and to better housing. For this, the Government proposes to provide the conditions to allow a greater involvement and initiative to the population, associations and private sector.

The Government ensures that this program responds to “the construction process of a more inclusive, fair and prosperous Timor-Leste with equal opportunities for everyone”, as defined in the Strategic Development Plan and which respects the Sustainable Development Goals. ENDS
