Members of the Seventh Government meet to prepare the start of the mandate

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Dili, September 19, 2017

Press Release

Members of the Seventh Government meet to prepare the start of the mandate

The Seventh Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, September 19, at the Lahane Noble Palace in Dili after taking office last Friday. In this first meeting of the Executive, the members of Government discussed the fundamental issues for the start of the mandate, namely the Government Program and the State Budget.

Prime Minister Marí Alkatiri assured that the formation of Government is expected to be completed soon.

The eleven Government members present at the meeting discussed the priorities of the Government Program. The Prime Minister also assured that it will be drafted taking into account three components: the commitments of the parties forming the coalition – Fretilin and PD -, on-going activities and the Strategic Development Plan.

Steps were also defined to prepare the General State Rectification Budget, coordinated by the Ministry of Planning and Finance, which will be completed shortly after the Government formation is finalized.

The various members of the Government also presented a summary on the information collected in these first days of governance, where the transfer of portfolios to the current ministers is on-going.

The Minister of State and Counsellor for National Security, José Ramos-Horta, did not attend the meeting because of his visit to United States representing the President of the Republic at the United Nations. ENDS
