Snapshot of the Sixth Constitutional Government Mandate

On Friday the 4th of August the Snapshot of the Sixth Constitutional Government Mandate [2015-2017] was officially released at a ceremony held at the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. This document highlights the achievements of the Executive in the social, economic, infrastructure and governance sectors, among others, between February 2015 and August 2017. In a symbolic gesture, the Prime Minister handed over the “Snapshot” to the members of the Government, who presented reports on the governance process of all Ministries, Secretariats of State, agencies and entities under their responsibility. The ‘Process of Governance’ reports are key documents in a handover process that seeks to ensure a smooth transition between governments.

During his presentation, the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, highlighted that the Government’s work is never finished and always needs to be continued. He thanked all the staff for the high quality work had they produced.

Coordinating Ministers Agio Pereira, Estanislau da Silva, António da Conceição and Dionísio Babo, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Roberto Soares, spoke at the beginning of the ceremony.

All the participants highlighted the work that was carried out and mentioned the  main activities and achievements of this Government. retratu gov1 300x189 Snapshot of the Sixth Constitutional Government Mandate

The former Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, Fernando La Sama de Araújo, was remembered at different moments during the ceremony. A historical figure in Timor-Leste’s struggle for self determination ‘La-Sama’ was inaugurated as the Minister of State in February 2015 and passed away unexpectedly a few months later in June 2015.

To read the spokesperson’s press release on the presentation of the “Snapshot of the Sixth Constitutional Government Mandate [2015-2017]“, click here.

To access the book, click here.
