Presentation of the National Employment Strategy 2017-2030

After its approval in the Council of Ministers, the National Employment Strategy (NES) 2017-2030 was officially presented on the 17th July at Timor Plaza by the Secretary of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training (SEPFOPE), with the support of the Office of the Minister of State, Coordinator for Economic Affairs (MECAE) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The NES encompasses 3 main pillars, based on the labour market: to increase demand, improve supply and reinforce institutions.

This strategy’s main goal is to create new jobs, reduce unemployment and provide employment opportunities for young people that will enter the labour market in the next few years.

The Minister of State, Coordinator for Economic Affairs, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, reaffirmed that “employment is an important issue and requires everyone’s involvement to solve it. Therefore, MECAE has developed this strategy in coordination with SEPFOPE and with ILO’s support. I appeal to the new Government to apply it”.

Secretary of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training, Ilídio Ximenes da Costa, said “the Government is committed to implement this program in order to create new jobs and improve the conditions of existing jobs for the Timorese.”
