Prime Minister receives Collar of the Order of Timor-Leste

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, was awarded the Order of Timor-Leste by the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, at a ceremony held to decorate distinguished officials of the State on the 12th of May

The awards conferred on this occasion were an expression of appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the President of the Republic to the holders of the sovereign bodies, for their work, responsibility and loyalty to the nation. “In the past five years, they worked with loyalty to the President of the Republic, in full respect of the separation of powers, and have proven their responsibility in each institution,” stated Taur Matan Ruak, highlighting the Prime Minister as being the one with whom he worked directly and regularly.

Rui Maria de Araújo said that he dedicated this award to the National Liberation fighters, the martyrs of the liberation of the Fatherland who contributed to the construction of Timor-Leste as a State and a Nation. It was also awarded to members of the Sixth Constitutional Government, including the late Fernando Lasama de Araújo, for all the efforts of two and a half years in the Government team.

The Prime Minister praised the civil servants of the Office of the Prime Minister and of the Public Administration, who executed the whole policy of the Sixth Constitutional Government.

Kondekora 3 293x225 Prime Minister receives Collar of the Order of Timor LesteHe congratulated the leaders of FRETILIN, who enabled him, as a member of the Central Committee, to take part in the Government on an individual basis. He also greeted the President of CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, who invited him to head the Sixth Constitutional Government as an independent.

In addition to the Prime Minister, other personalities received the Collar of the Order of Timor-Leste. They were: the President of the National Parliament, Adérito Hugo da Costa, the former President of the National Parliament, Vicente da Silva Guterres, the former President of the Court of Appeal, Guilhermino da Silva, the General Prosecutor of the Republic, José da Costa Ximenes, the Deputy Chief of General Staff of FALINTIL – FDTL, Brigadier-General Filomeno Paixão, the Chief of General Staff, Colonel Falur Rate Laek, and the Second Commander of the PNTL, Commissioner Faustino da Costa.
