Council of Ministers’ meeting of March 14th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, March 14th, 2017

Press Release

The Council of Ministers meeting of March 14th, 2017

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved the allocation of a donation to the permanent representation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. This reinforces the historical links between Timor-Leste and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, based on the common desire to struggle for self-determination, the principle of solidarity with the struggle of the peoples for national liberation and the right to self-determination and independence, present in the Constitution of the Republic, the Resolution of the National Parliament for solidarity and support to the Saharawi people, and the fact that since 2011 Timor-Leste has contributed to the functioning of the Permanent Representation in Dili, through the granting of an annual subsidy for the exercise of their activities in Timor-Leste and in the region.

The Air Services Agreement between Timor-Leste and Australia, proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, was approved. This agreement is based on the desire of both countries to promote an international aviation system with competitive, innovative and secure services.

Two proposals from the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries were adopted. The aim of the draft Law on Legislative Authorization regarding business recovery and insolvency is that the National Parliament grant to the Government the legislative competence to approve, by decree-law, a Recovery and Insolvency Code. The design of the legal regime for the recovery of companies and proceedings for the declaration of insolvency is part of the strategy to create a legal framework conducive to growth of business operating in a socially and economically responsible market. When approved the code will complete, in a structured and coherent way, a relevant part of the legal framework applicable to companies, continuing to deliver on the Program of the VI Constitutional Government, which refers to the need to invest in the development and growth of the economy and the need to develop a dynamic market economy. This should be based on a solid, modern and diversified private sector, supported by a legislative reform that will attract and stimulate private investment.

The second submitted proposal, the Decree-Law of the Commercial Register, defines in a single document the rules applicable to the legalization of companies. Aiming to simplify and streamline bureaucracy, this text sets deadlines and facts subject to registration, simplifies the process for the admissibility of a firm, among others. The adoption of this new scheme is part of the revision of the Law for Commercial Companies, already approved by the Council of Ministers and currently under discussion in the National Parliament.

The Government supports the organization in Timor-Leste of the round table for Asia and Oceania under the Club of Madrid project on “Democracy of Future Generations”, with the theme “Setting the Agenda for the democracy of future generations, for Asia and Oceania”. The event is an initiative of the Club of Madrid and has the collaboration of the Office of the former President of the Republic, Dr. José Ramos-Horta. The Government approved a grant to support the convening of this event that will attract several heads of State and Government from Asia and Oceania to Díli in May, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the Restoration of Timor-Leste’s Independence.

The Council of Ministers approved the additional subscription of shares allocated to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This institution belongs to the World Bank Group, and develops projects to support developing countries in the process of reducing poverty, promoting socio-economic growth and prosperity.

The proposal of the Minister of State, Coordinator of State Administration Affairs and Justice, and Minister of State Administration, for the creation of population centres, was approved. This law establishes the rules for delimitation, definition and establishment of administrative categories of population centres.

The establishment of the national mining company, called Murak-rai Timor-Leste, SA, proposed by the minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources was approved. Murak-rai Timor-Leste will be a commercial company with fully public capital. This measure is part of the Government’s strategy for creating the necessary institutions to ensure the development of a sector of great potential and contribute to the diversification of the economy, fundamental for the country. ENDS
