Prime-Minister Message for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world today, March 8. In Timor-Leste, the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, has delivered a firm message, recalling the role of women in the country’s development, pointing out persistent inequality and calling for change.

For the Timorese Prime Minister, “Timorese women are strong, resilient and played a key role in the liberation of our nation. Women continue to play a vital role in Timor-Leste´s sustainable development.”

The Prime Minister explained that in the transition from a traditional subsistence society towards a more modern society “we must build a Timor-Leste where women and girls are not automatically expected to cook, wash and clean, to look after the children and older members of the family, before they are able to participate in public life.”

To read the full message, click here.
