Council of Ministers meeting on January 6th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, January 6th, 2017

Press Release

 Council of Ministers meeting of January 6th, 2017

The Council of Ministers met this Friday at the Government Palace in Dili, and, following the promulgation of Law No. 13/2016 of December 29th (General State Budget for 2017), approved the Decree for budget implementation for the year 2017.

The Decree for the legal regime for the program for improvement of infrastructure in rural areas, presented by the Minister of Defence, which gives to FALINTIL-FDTL the objective to build, rehabilitate and maintain essential infrastructure in rural communities, was approved.

The Draft Law on the crimes of manufacture, importation, transport, sale, transfer or possession of rama ambon (a handheld instrument designed to launch blades, arrows, short arrows or shafts), use of weapons to commit crimes and the unlawful practice of martial arts and rituals was also approved. The law regarding the practice of martial arts now in force, from 2008, does not allow for the effective criminalisation of behaviours related to martial arts when they are practiced outside the legal precepts. It is therefore important to ensure the principles of public order and respect for citizens’ rights, freedoms and guarantees.

The Minister of State, Coordinator of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration saw three Decrees and Laws approved. The first, on the Organic Structure of the National Archive of Timor-Leste, seeks to integrate the entity within the framework of administrative organization, having as its mission to ensure the recovery, preservation and custody of historical documents of the country. The second deals with the Organic Structure of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP in Portuguese), already evaluated during the meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 20th, 2016. Finally, the First Amendment to the Decree-Law that approved the Statute of Municipal Administrations, Municipal Authorities and the Technical Inter-Ministerial Group for Decentralization. Almost a year after its adoption, the Government noted the great effort made in the implementation of the administrative deconcentration process and the good results in the training of local services. Now, the Government will substantially increase funding, given the new responsibilities of Administration Power. This year, the allocation will be approximately US$150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars).

The Council of Ministers approved a Government Resolution establishing a Monitoring Committee for the research and documentation of the role of youth in the Timorese struggle for national liberation, under the Secretariat of State of Youth and Sport.

Following on from its examination at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 31st, 2016, the Decree-Law on the career of senior professionals in the Public Administration was approved in order to attract and retain more qualified and experienced professionals. The Government believes that it is extremely important for Public Administration to keep these experienced professionals, and seeks to retain their services by providing excellent working conditions. The Government also expressed its concern regarding the growth of technical staff who collaborate on a temporary basis with Public Administration for projects or special needs of each ministry.

The Government Resolution on the Civil Servants March was also approved, aiming at motivating staff, encouraging civic-mindedness and patriotism, promoting the achievements of Civil Service and encouraging pride and sense of belonging amongst Civil Servants.
