Council of Ministers meeting on November 22nd, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, November 22nd, 2016

Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting on November 22nd, 2016

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved state participation in the share capital of the commercial company TL Cement, proposed by the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries along with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. TL Cement’s investment project was approved by the Council of Ministers in April this year. It involves the construction of an extraction unit of high quality limestone, in the Municipality of Baucau, and the production and sale of cement. The bill today approved includes the draft promissory agreement for share capital increase and the transformation of the commercial company TL Cement, so that the State may have a share of 40% in its share capital.

Another proposal of the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, for the creation of the Technical Inter-ministerial Commission for the Management of River Basins was also approved. This Commission will reinforce institutional coordination in the context of soil and water resources conservation and strengthen partnerships with civil society, research institutions and international organizations. Timor-Leste has more than one hundred river basins whose conservation must be ensured.

The Council of Ministers endorsed the Strategic Business Plan for RTTL [Radio Television Timor-Leste] for the period 2017-2021, presented by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, along with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RTTL, EP. The plan includes a set of proposals to increase the revenue of the company, particularly in the areas of marketing, advertising and operational procedures in sales. The Plan includes a training strategy and the increase of local programming content, for radio and television, to continue to strengthen the engagement of the local audience.

The Ministry of Finance presented to the Council of Ministers the final outcome of the National Census on Population and Housing of 2015, which will soon be presented to the public. The Ministry also presented two proposals aiming at valuing and recognizing the State’s human resources which were approved. One was for the extraordinary payment of one month’s base salary to the public sector, the other was for the additional payment to civil servants connected to the State Budget for 2017 and the State’s accounts closing of 2016 processes.

The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications had its proposal for an Agreement with the Asian Development Bank for rehabilitation of municipal roads approved. This supports the further rehabilitation of basic infrastructure that the Government has been prioritising throughout the country. The project includes the upgrading of the roads from Aipelo to Bazartete, from Bazartete to Tokoluli and from Ermera to Fatubesi.

The Strategic Concept for Defence and Security, proposed by the Ministry of Defence, was approved. This document defines the fundamental aspects of the overall strategy of the State for the fulfilment of the National Defence Policy objectives, within the framework of the National Security Policy. The Chief of Staff of FALINTIL – Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste was consulted in the preparation of the document, which has been discussed within the Government and also with the President of the Republic, with the Superior Council for Defence and Security, and with the National Parliament, in accordance with their constitutional powers. It was also presented to civil society organizations. This first Strategic Concept for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste evaluates the role and functions of the Defence and Security State Institutions, and launches a new cycle of strategic planning, which covers the next ten years.

The proposal from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, for the subdivision of the Block Exploration Contract Area, was approved. As a result of technical and commercial analysis, by Timor Gap, for the realization of Petroleum Operations in an Exclusive Area of Timor-Leste, adopted in December of last year, the Ministry concluded that the subdivision of the contract area into three distinct areas will optimize oil exploration and prospecting activities and increase the interest of the private sector.

The operations schedule for the electoral census abroad, proposed by the Minister of State Administration, was approved. This is to ensure the participation of Timorese citizens throughout the world in the process of elections to be held in 2017. ENDS
