Council of Ministers meeting of October 18th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, October 18th, 2016

Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting of October 18th, 2016

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved proposals submitted by the National Procurement Commission, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, regarding projects for the improvement and maintenance of roads linking Maubara to Karimbala, Atabae to Mota Ain and Baucau to Lautém.

The Ministry of State Administration presented a proposal to complete a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Korea, which was approved by the Council of Ministers. The Memorandum of Understanding is regarding the implementation of a pilot project for rural development and poverty eradication in Timor-Leste following the philosophy of the “Saemaul Undong” (New Village Movement).

The proposed amendment to Decree Law no. 33/2014, of December 3rd, which creates the Institute for Research, Development, Training and Promotion of Bamboo, presented by the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs, was also approved. The amendment is intended to simplify the operation of the Institute of Bamboo, which will now be led by a single director, the Executive Director. The amendment codifies what had been occurring in practice. The Board of Trustees and the Scientific and Pedagogical Council are dissolved. The amendment is intended to assist the completion of the organic structure and operational regulations of the Institute.

The Council of Ministers considered the draft Law on Child Protection, presented by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, to promote Children’s rights, prevent threats to their welfare, and ensure the protection of children at risk and in danger, in order to support their wellbeing and complete development. This project meets the goal set by Government for the development of strategies aimed at ensuring the protection of children against violence, neglect and abuse. The Law will fill the void in the legal system, regarding the protection of children at risk and in danger.

The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment presented the draft resolution and outline of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions – INDC, to soon be presented to the United Nations Organization. ENDS
