Training in combating Currency Counterfeiting crimes

On September 16th, the award ceremony to present the participation certificates regarding the criminal investigation specialized training action on currency counterfeiting took place in the facilities of the Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation (SPCI), in Caicoli, Dili.

The training, which lasted two weeks, had the participation of 17 staff from the Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation, including Inspectors and Forensic Experts from that Criminal Police body. This action was carried out by a team consisting of two Inspectors – Dário Andrade and Elsa Sá – both from the Portuguese Judicial Police.

This training, the penultimate of the training cycle for the biennium 2015-2016, came to continue, deepen and consolidate the technical training and skills development in the fields of Criminal Investigation, of the Scientific Police and laboratory analyses in Timor-Leste.

 It is a project in the context of the Justice Component of the Programme of Support to Democratic Governance in Timor-Leste, cooperation delegated by the European Union in Portugal, in the Camões, IP. Since 2012, and in partnership with the Ministry of Justice of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and with other local authorities, it followed the creation of a highly specialised body of criminal police, a key area for the development of Justice in Timor-Leste. IMG 0217 300x225 Training in combating Currency Counterfeiting crimes

The Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation, created in 2014, is composed of 47 Criminal Investigators and 31 Forensic Experts, all trained under the Programme, a strategy that included both training in Timor-Leste and in the School of Judicial Police, in Portugal.

The ceremony was attended by the National Director of the SPCI, Vicente Fernandes de Brito, the Cooperation Attaché of the Embassy of Portugal, Daniela Pereira, and the Programme Manager, Pierre-Yves Lucas, from the Delegation of the European Union in Timor-Leste.
