The Ministry of Public Works inaugurates the Hali-Laran to Laulara road

The Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Gastão de Sousa, accompanied by the representative of the World Bank, Balormaa Amgaabazar, and the Ambassador of China in Timor-Leste, opened 10 kilometres of road, linking Hali-Laran, in the Municipality of Dili to Laulara, in the Municipality of Aileu, with a ceremony on August 26th in front of Lahane Palace, Dili.

This work marks the first stage of the rehabilitation of roads linking the north coast to the south coast, bringing benefits in reduced journey times, fuel savings, better communication within the country and job opportunities for communities living near the construction.

Gastão de Sousa reiterated that the rehabilitation of this road section began on August 8th, 2014 and was completed on July 31st 2016. The Chinese company Shun International Economical and Technical Corporation Group Company was involved in it, and it had 150 IMG 2148 300x200 The Ministry of Public Works inaugurates the Hali Laran to Laulara road Timorese employees in its execution. Also 16 college students made an internship during this construction, in order to gain practical knowledge of design, monitoring, quality control, data collection and daily inspection on the ground.

This construction is part of a set of five sections. The World Bank funded this first section of the Hali-Laran to Laulara. The other four are under construction, including the road from Laulara to Solorema (22 kilometres), from Solorema to Bandudato (29 kilometres), from Bandudato to Aitutu (25 kilometres) and from Aitutu to Ainaro (23 kilometres).

Also present at the ceremony were the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Hernani Coelho, the Deputy Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Januário da Costa Pereira, the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, Avelino Coelho, and the Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, Maria Isabel Ximenes, among many other guests.
