Minister of Justice discusses Supporting Project for the Rule of Law Consolidation

The Minister of Justice of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (Portuguese acronym RDTL), Ivo Valente, took part in the First Supporting Project for the Rule of Law Consolidation (Portuguese acronym PACED) Steering Committee directed at the African Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym PALOP) and Timor-Leste , on June 23rd, 2016 in Lisbon (Portugal).

The Ministers of Justice, the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission and the presidents of the Central Banks of Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and Timor-Leste attended the First Supporting Project for the Rule of Law Consolidation Steering Committee.

The purpose of this meeting is to make joint plans to improve the capacity of PALOP Member States in preventing and fighting corruption, money laundering and organised crime and in identifying solutions to trafficking-related crimes.

After consideration, each country has made recommendations and has approved the two-yearly global action plan, for the years 2016-2017.

This plan has the support of the European Union, through the Camoes Institute for Cooperation and Portuguese language, and is more focused on improving the legal framework to regulate and modernise the administrative organisation, in line with international practices.

The plan to increase the member countries institutional effectiveness and human resources training was also approved, in order to consolidate operational procedures and to develop cooperation between the PALOP, Timor-Leste and international organizations.

The Minister Ivo Valente was accompanied by the Commissioner of the Anti -Corruption Commission (CAC), Adérito António Tilman, the Executive Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste ( Portuguese acronym BCTL), Maria José Sarmento, the Minister of Justice Chief of Staff, Evangelino Belo, the Judge Administrator for the Dili District Court, Duarte Tilman, the Legal Advisor to the Office of the Minister of Justice, João Pedro Campos, and the Social Communication Advisor to the Office of the Minister of Justice, Joãozito Viana.
