Ministerial meetings of Education and Science, Technology and Higher Education of the CPLP, in Dili

Place: Hotel Timor

From May 22nd to 25th, Dili welcomes a series of events related to the area of Education and Science, Technology and Higher Education of the CPLP.

On the 23rd an International Conference with the theme “Education and Scientific Research Policies in CPLP’s Member States” will be held.

On the 24th the IX Ministers of Education Meeting and on the 25th the VII Ministers of Science, Technology and Higher Education Meeting. Both meetings are preceded by technical meetings of the Focal Points.
The implementation levels of the deliberations listed in the Final Declarations will be evaluated, both in the Education dimension and in the Science, Technology and Higher Education dimension of the CPLP (Luanda, 2012, Maputo, 2014, Dili, 2015).

It should be mentioned that CPLP’s Education Portal and a documentary on the activities developed in this area will be presented. Regarding Science, Technology and Higher Education a consolidating Portal of information of the CPLP will also be launched.

In both meetings Final Declarations will be adopted, where the decisions of these bodies of the CPLP shall be recorded.