Clean-up Campaign on local beaches

The Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau da Silva, and the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Marcos da Cruz, took the initiative to carry out a general clean-up on the Bidau-Lecidere beach, in Dili, on April 17th, 2016. For this purpose, Tasi Moos Movement, members of the Immigration Police Department, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries were invited, including Dellos Company’s employees.

The cleaning activity was organized by the Movement Tasi Moos and officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, through the General Directorate for the Environment.

Estanislau da Silva said that this beach cleaning campaign sought to promote a clean city to attract tourists to visit Timor-Leste.

“This activity cannot be done overnight, it must be carried on. We want to inform visitors that our sea has good conditions and our beaches are clean. Therefore, we ask to the entire population to be aware and to dispose waste in appropriate places designed by the Government. Do not throw garbage into the ditches, water channels or streams,” asked Estanislau da Silva.

The Minister said that the beaches get dirty when this rubbish reaches the sea, and may cause the death of fish and other marine animals, as well as diseases to people who bathe in the sea. The population should be aware of their actions and contribute to the environment cleanliness, making Dili a clean city.
