Ministry of Justice attends seminar of Board of Auditors

The Ministry of Justice participated in the seminar organized by the Board of Auditors of Timor-Leste, dedicated to “Public Finance Control”, which took place in the Main Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Dili last Friday, 5 February 2016.

The seminar was a joint accomplisment of the Board of Auditors of Timor-Leste and delegated cooperation by the European Union in Portugal in Camões, I.P., under the Justice Program. It lasted five days, from 1 to 5 February 2016 .

In his speech, the Minister Ivo Valente stressed that “the establishment of the Board of Auditors, in 2011, set a key foundation for the public sector reform. Served to consolidate the good governance that is enshrined in the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, and is a necessary condition to give confidence to the Government, a requirement of national affirmation”.

To ensure transparency in Public Administration, the capability of provision of accounts by the services of each institution must have already a rigid management culture of public funding, underlined the Minister of Justice.

Ivo Valente also presented Government’s commitment in the area of human resources development, auditors and officers of the Board of Auditors, to attain gradual improvement which will bring greater confidence to economic agents, private and public institutions, both national and international, and civil society.

In this seminar were present, among others, the Minister of State, Coordinator of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration, Dionísio Babo Soares, the Ambassador of Portugal, Manuel Gonçalves of Jesus, the Ambassador of the European Union’s delegation in Timor-Leste, Sylvie Tabesse, the Judge Adviser, Maria Natércia Gusmão, members of National Parliament, the Commissioner of CAC, Adérito Tilman, the State General Inspector, Francisco Carvalho, members of civil society, delegations from Brazil and  Cape Verde and government institutions.
