Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 9th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, February 9, 2016

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 9th, 2016

The Government met this Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. First amendment to Law no. 10/2005, of August 10th, on National Holidays and Official Commemorative Dates

This amendment proposed by the Government redefines December 7th and adds December 31st to the list of national public holidays in the Law of National Public Holidays and Official Commemorative Dates.

December 7th will mark Memory Day, in homage and memory of all those who resisted and struggled against Indonesian occupation and liberation of the Timorese people.

December 31st will be a national holiday, in memory of and tribute to the late Nicolau Lobato,, Fretilin’s President, President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Commander in Chief of FALINTIL, recalling the date of his death in combat in Mindelo valley, in 1978. The historic role he assumed in the unilateral proclamation of the Independence of Timor-Leste and the definition of political and military strategies for the liberation of the people makes Nicolau Lobato one of the most revered leaders of the country’s history.

Thus, the Timorese State recognizes the importance of these historical dates, marking them as holidays and days devoted to remembrance.

This amendment, approved by the Council of Ministers, will be sent to the National Parliament for consideration, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic.

2. The Government Resolution that creates the National Commission for Trade Facilitation

The National Commission for Trade Facilitation (Portuguese acronym: CONFAC) is a consultative forum for the promotion of dialogue between the Government, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders in the area of trade, with the aim of producing advice to the Government on ways of reducing importing and exporting bureaucracy, and coordinating all Government work involved in this process.

This diploma follows the guidelines of the Sixth Constitutional Government Program, the Strategic Development Plan of and Economic Reform, for the adoption of diversification measures of the country’s economy, essential to reduce dependency on revenue from mineral resources and achieve sustainable economic growth.

The simplification of regulations and removal of red tape on trade is internationally recognized as a determinant factor in transaction cost reduction, by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and by the World Trade Organization (WTO), among others.

3. Government resolution approving the Guide for the Reform of Public Administration

The Guide for the Reform of Public Administration is a reference document, which seeks to support the implementation of the reform policies of State institutions. This is a new cycle of Public Administration Reform, intended to be comprehensive, as it involves competence aspects from different State institutions. It introduces a strategic vision which, by its nature and requirement, exceeds the length of the Government’s mandate.

4. Decree-Law on the Commission for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries

This diploma redefines the competences of the Commission for the Final Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries, created by Decree-Law no. 2/2015, of January 14th, and amended by Decree-Law no. 8/2015, of April 22nd in order to allow for the definition of key conditions and objectives in the negotiation of a treaty for the final delimitation of maritime borders with the Commonwealth of Australia and with the Republic of Indonesia.

5. Government Resolution that determines the elaboration of the National Plan for Prevention and Road Safety

The National Plan for Prevention and Road Safety will be prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, in coordination with the Ministries of Public Works, Transport and Communications, State Administration, Health and Education, with the aim of reducing road accidents and promoting public awareness of road safety.

In drawing up the plan, a series of fundamental factors will be considered, such as the redrafting of the Highway Code and the preparation of its supporting regulations, as well as the creation of an Offence and Fine Processing System. The National Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of the Interior needs to be developed, as well as the operational and administrative capacity of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications in the areas of licence plate assignment, vehicle inspection and the promotion of driver education.

6. Government Resolution on the support mission to the electoral registration process in São Tomé and Príncipe

Following the decision to support the electoral registration process in the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 20th, 2015, the Government has created a technical support mission to the electoral registration process in this country.

This specialized technical support to the Government of São Tomé and Príncipe will act on planning for voter registration and the implementation of operations. The mission has a term of 60 days.


The Council of Ministers examined:

1. Presentation of the results of the diagnostic test of officials working in the area of Public Finance Management

The Ministry of Finance presented the result of tests undertaken by public officials, administration agents and leaders of the bodies and institutions of the State that work in the area of Public Finance Management. Two tests were performed to determine levels of technical knowledge and numeracy, covering issues of planning, budget, procurement and contract management, asset management and payments. This exam was attended by 1,114 people, divided into three levels. The first was addressed to the officials and agents of Public Finance Management, the second to the heads of department and section, and the third level to General and National Directors.
